Issoitapi Elementary School September Newsletter 2024

September 11, 2024

September Newsletter 2024

Oki Parents and Guardians:

Welcome to the New School Year!  We are excited to have students old and new attending our 21st Century Learning School.

When we say 21st Century Learning we interpret it as the students having the opportunity to develop skills in:

  1. Collaborative Problem Solving such as working together in teams and learning from each other.

  2. Creativity to get young minds thinking.

  3. Hands-on learning encourages project-based activities.

  4. Cultural Competency by learning about themselves, their culture and language.

  5. Effective Written and Oral Communication students develop skills in listening, writing and articulate a discussion respectfully

  6. Ethical Decision making teaches students how to make a respectful, kind, and fair decision-making.

  7. Information and Media Literacy students learn how to interpret facts on on-line media.

  8. Leadership focuses on building leadership skills.

  9. Critical Thinking focuses on asking questions to encourage critical thinking in reasoning and inquiry skills.

  10. Personal Responsibility and Initiative teaches the students to take ownership of their learning and ability to react to obstacles in a positive and productive way.

This being the new way of learning compared to the old style of memorizing and rote learning we encourage students to attend daily not to miss out on the opportunity of learning.

We are still accepting registrations for students to attend Issoitapi Elementary.  Staff and students are adjusting to the building and working around the construction workers that are finishing the work that needs to be completed.  They are currently working on the landscaping and have a lot of machinery and materials laying around, so we ask that everyone watch out for one another to ensure the safety of our children.

We ask parents, guardians, and visitors to please sign in at the office before entering the school to ensure the safety of all visitors. Also be aware that the front parking area is for the school buses only and student drop offs.

Our contact number is 403-737-3808. Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (8:40am to 3:15pm), Wednesday (8:40am to 2:30pm), and Friday (8:40am to 12:00pm).

IES Admin:

Collette Sikaaki big Swallow – IES Principal

Donna Soldier – Associate Principal

Dates to Remember

Sep. 30, 2024
No School